
The benefits of property management

benefits of property management for less than 4 euros a day

Let’s define what property management is: all the activities that consist of taking care of the daily management of a rented property. Our advisors take care of all the necessary procedures for your tenants and guarantee optimal profit is obtained from your property.

When you entrust your property to us, this is called delegated rental management: the operation by which the owner of a property transfers all the prerogatives of rental management of his property to a third party.

Renting Quickly

 The real estate agency will do its  utmost to rent your property as quickly as possible, thus avoiding rental vacancies. This advantage should not be overlooked. Firstly renting with an agent in spain is free! They have a clients lists and various platforms and dedicated agents to bring you tenants. They aren´t paid until the tenants are found so they will be extremely motivated to get this done.

A duty to advise and local knowledge:

 To be well advised is essential! Finding professionals, knowing that you are paying the right price and following the law. Through us, the owner can obtain a lot of advice and information on the management of his property. Without knowledge of real estate law you could end up in trouble that could be very costly.

On Call for Emergencies

 One of the best parts of having someone represent you and your property is that they are responsible for all the incidences that could occur and to deal with them for you. At Ruby for example we have a 24/7 service to attend to the tenants and a 24/7 guard to protect the empty flats and attend to emergency call outs. Leaks, robberies, insurance claims, broken boilers, air con, there are so many things that can come up during a rental and knowing if you should pay or the tenant should pay and organizing the works is a lot of work. Why stress, when for a small % of the income someone can do it for you. How much is your time worth compared to paying the manager 4€ a day..

Unpaid rent guarantee:

In order to avoid any unpaid rent, first the manager should vet the tenants and their financials in case of long term or uncertain tenants there are insurances that will cover rental payments incase the tenants stops paying.

Taxes and accounts

The rental manager will insure that the rent is collected monthly and be in charge of chasing in the case of failure to pay and advising what to do in the next steps. They can make the needed deductions and filing of taxes. If they can represent you at community meetings this is an added bonus. 

Limitation of legal risks

Many owners think the can download a contract draft and fill it in but in the majority of cases it does not cover all their needs nor does it protect them enough. The rental agents will fill in a contract that fully protects the owner, create a full photo inventory at the beginning and end of stay as well as registering the deposit with the legal body INCASOL.

To conclude

In conclusion, rental management allows you to have peace of mind, to optimise the profitability of your property and to reduce the risks linked to property management. For a free consultation on the rental of a future property please contact me at the following address :
+34 622451895 or [email protected]

Buying a Property for Investment in Barcelona

Property Investment tips

Buying a Property for Investment in Barcelona

Lets start with the basics:

What is the definition of a wholesale real estate investment?

– This is a type of real estate investment strategy in which an investor buys a property not for use, but with the intention of selling it at a profit.

It is important to note that for this type of investment to be profitable, the focus must be on speed rather than maximum profit. So keep in mind that every day that passes costs you more money (mortgage, utilities, property taxes, insurance and other costs associated with home ownership).

In order to get a good start on this investment it is important not to overpay for a house and to know how much any repairs or improvements will cost before you buy.

The 70% rule                                                                                       

In addition, the 70% rule states that an investor should not
pay more than 70% of the after-repair value (ARV) of a property minus any
necessary repairs. The ARV is what a house is worth once it is fully repaired.

To flip or to rent – what do you need to think about?

Expenses! And they have to be calculated before making the offer

Financing – If you are not a resident of Spain right now in 2022 it is very difficult to get a mortgage. If you are looking to get a mortgage from a Spanish bank this should be your first stop to see if you are eligible. Otherwise purchasing in cash (which also gives you stronger negotiating power when purchasing) or getting a mortgage from your country of residence.  

Tax – One of the main mistakes non-european investors make is by not accounting for the taxes involved aside from the purchase tax of 10% plus a 1-2% for notary and legal fees. You will then have to pay taxes on income if you will rent the property, for non-europeans this means NO DEDUCTIONS! 24% income tax on the full rent base. There are ways to pay less by removing fixed costs inside the contract, like IBI, community, internet etc.

              ie: The rent the tenant has to pay is 900€ rent base + 50€ of ibi + 50€ community + 50€ internet obligatory fees. The total the tenant has to pay is 1050€ but the client will pay tax on 900€ not 1050€. 

Ruby Realties

Upkeep - investing more

If renting, 10% of the rental annual yield should be counted for maintenance and upkeep of the property. Sometimes this can go over 10%; boilers, air con, new showers, Insurance issues. Unforseen costs can come up and it is part of the risk that comes with owning property.

Examples of the unforeseen: We have a flat that has a recurrent issue with cockroaches and rats. We continually have to hire an exterminator but the neighbour above is a hoarder and refuses to pay to treat his flat which is where they are coming from. The only thing we can do is report him to the town hall. But nothing has happened so far to remove him.

Another where the community wouldn’t pay to fix a beam causing a continual enormous leak to our clients flat and after 8 months the owner had to pay for it himself just to be able to move on and is now taking them to court which will take years. EXPECT the unexpected! Do not assume you will not need to invest more later.

Selling – Selling at the right price can take 3-6 months. I have had many times before clients that I will tell the client you can get “X€” for this property and they will tell me “ok lets try X€ + 30-50,000€”

In 3 months it doesn´t sell and they tell me “ok lets drop.” I recommend “X minus 20,000€.”

“But you told me X€ 3 months ago?”

“Yes but now the market has moved”

“No lets put it at X€” And again it doesn´t sell.. because they didn´t listen to the expert at the time and end up selling at a loss and/or having a property sit for years.

Property markets are not fixed, they go up, they go down, they have peaks and lows and Barcelona especially has high and low selling seasons.

If you are only buying to sell you need to have enough money to cover the costs while you wait for the sale.

If you are planning to rent and sell, please note this is usually harder. Almost all buyers want to see the property. Most prefer to choose their own tenants. As well the tenants inside can be messy or cook smelly food or not allow entrance at all. All of this can make a sale hard/impossible.

In my opinion it is better to pick your action; or you are going strong for a sale, or you are renting for income.

Ruby Realties


Its so important in whatever investment you make that you know what you are doing or that you hire an agent who knows what they are doing.

I once had an investor tell me “Well I´ll only pay you if I buy something”. He was looking at me like a standard estate agent. An estate agent is out for himself and himself only. He is looking for commission, most great agents I know are sharks. Hungry for the deal and the close.

We, at Ruby, are here for you, the client, to give you the knowledge and tools that you need to make a good purchase. Make sure you have calculated it all;

  • Has the property been checked for defects?
  • Does the building have the ITE (building inspection)?
  • Are the community up-to-date in payments?
  • Are there squatters in the building?
  • Is there a bar near by? – noise issues
  • and much more that needs to be considered.
  • Does the owner really own the property?

If you don´t live here, and even if you do, you need someone that is well versed on the action you are going to take, so that you buy the best deal. Paying a small % at the beginning is well worth the money than buying something that has a hidden issue and making a bad investment.

For your free consultation about your next investment please don´t hesitate to contact me at:

[email protected] or +34 622451895

Elementor #2524

Acheter une propriété pour investir à Barcelone

Commençons par les bases:

Quelle est la définition d’un investissement immobilier de gros ?

– Il s’agit d’un type de stratégie d’investissement immobilier dans lequel un investisseur achète une propriété non pas pour l’utiliser, mais avec l’intention de la revendre avec profit.

Il est important de noter que pour que ce type d’investissement soit rentable, l’accent doit être mis sur la rapidité plutôt que sur le profit maximum. N’oubliez donc pas que chaque jour qui passe vous coûte plus d’argent (hypothèque, services publics, taxes foncières, assurances et autres coûts associés à l’accession à la propriété).

Afin de bien démarrer cet investissement, il est important de ne pas payer trop cher pour une maison et de savoir combien coûteront les réparations ou les améliorations avant d’acheter.

La règle des 70%                                                                                       

De plus, la règle des 70% stipule qu’un investisseur ne doit pas payer plus de 70% de la valeur après réparation (ARV) d’une propriété moins les réparations nécessaires. L’ARV est ce que vaut une maison une fois qu’elle est entièrement réparée.

Retourner ou louer – à quoi devez-vous penser ?

Dépenses ! Et ils doivent être calculés avant de faire l’offre

Financement – Si vous n’êtes pas résident en Espagne en ce moment en 2022, il est très difficile d’obtenir un prêt hypothécaire. Si vous cherchez à obtenir un prêt hypothécaire auprès d’une banque espagnole, cela devrait être votre premier arrêt pour voir si vous êtes éligible. Sinon, achetez en espèces (ce qui vous donne également un plus grand pouvoir de négociation lors de l’achat) ou obtenez un prêt hypothécaire de votre pays de résidence.

Fiscalité – L’une des principales erreurs commises par les investisseurs non européens est de ne pas comptabiliser les taxes impliquées, à l’exception de la taxe d’achat de 10 % plus 1 à 2 % pour les frais de notaire et d’avocat. Vous devrez alors payer des impôts sur le revenu si vous louez la propriété, pour les non-européens cela signifie AUCUNE DÉDUCTION ! Impôt sur le revenu de 24% sur la base locative complète. Il existe des moyens de payer moins cher en supprimant les coûts fixes à l’intérieur du contrat, comme l’IBI, la communauté, Internet, etc.

ie: The rent the tenant has to pay is 900€ rent base + 50€ of ibi + 50€ community + 50€ internet obligatory fees. The total the tenant has to pay is 1050€ but the client will pay tax on 900€ not 1050€

Upkeep – investing more – If renting, 10% of the rental annual yield should be counted for maintenance and upkeep of the property. Sometimes this can go over 10%; boilers, air con, new showers, Insurance issues. Unforseen costs can come up and it is part of the risk that comes with owning property.

Examples of the unforeseen: We have a flat that has a recurrent issue with cockroaches and rats. We continually have to hire an exterminator but the neighbour above is a hoarder and refuses to pay to treat his flat which is where they are coming from. The only thing we can do is report him to the town hall. But nothing has happened so far to remove him.

Another where the community wouldn’t pay to fix a beam causing a continual enormous leak to our clients flat and after 8 months the owner had to pay for it himself just to be able to move on and is now taking them to court which will take years. EXPECT the unexpected! Do not assume you will not need to invest more later.

Selling – Selling at the right price can take 3-6 months. I have had many times before clients that I will tell the client you can get “X€” for this property and they will tell me “ok lets try X€ + 30-50,000€”

In 3 months it doesn´t sell and they tell me “ok lets drop.” I recommend “X minus 20,000€.”

“But you told me X€ 3 months ago?”

“Yes but now the market has moved”

“No lets put it at X€” And again it doesn´t sell.. because they didn´t listen to the expert at the time and end up selling at a loss and/or having a property sit for years.

Property markets are not fixed, they go up, they go down, they have peaks and lows and Barcelona especially has high and low selling seasons.

If you are only buying to sell you need to have enough money to cover the costs while you wait for the sale.

Si vous envisagez de louer et de vendre, veuillez noter que cela est généralement plus difficile. Presque tous les acheteurs veulent voir la propriété. La plupart préfèrent choisir leurs propres locataires. De plus, les locataires à l’intérieur peuvent être en désordre ou cuisiner des aliments malodorants ou ne pas autoriser l’entrée du tout. Tout cela peut rendre une vente difficile/impossible.

À mon avis, il vaut mieux choisir son action ; ou vous allez fort pour une vente, ou vous louez pour un revenu.


Il est si important, quel que soit l’investissement que vous faites, que vous sachiez ce que vous faites ou que vous embauchiez un agent qui sait ce qu’il fait.

Une fois, un investisseur m’a dit “Eh bien, je ne vous paierai que si j’achète quelque chose”. Il me regardait comme un agent immobilier standard. Un agent immobilier ne s’occupe que de lui-même. Il cherche une commission, la plupart des grands agents que je connais sont des requins. Faim pour l’affaire et la clôture.

Chez Ruby, nous sommes là pour vous, le client, pour vous donner les connaissances et les outils dont vous avez besoin pour faire un bon achat. Assurez-vous d’avoir tout calculé;

  • La propriété a-t-elle été vérifiée pour les défauts?
  • Le bâtiment a-t-il l’ITE (inspection des bâtiments) ?
  • La communauté est-elle à jour dans ses paiements ?
  • Y a-t-il des squatters dans l’immeuble ?
  • Y a-t-il un bar à proximité ? – problèmes de bruit
  • et bien plus encore qui doit être pris en considération.
  • Le propriétaire est-il vraiment propriétaire du bien ?

Si vous ne vivez pas ici, et même si c’est le cas, vous avez besoin de quelqu’un qui connaît bien l’action que vous allez entreprendre, afin que vous achetiez la meilleure offre. Payer un petit % au début vaut bien l’argent que d’acheter quelque chose qui a un problème caché et de faire un mauvais investissement.

Pour votre consultation gratuite sur votre prochain investissement, n’hésitez pas à me contacter à:

[email protected] ou +34 622451895