Investing in real estate can be the ultimate achievement, a testament to your accomplishments, and a gateway to the life you’ve always dreamed of. And what better place to make your dreams come true than under the Spanish sun? Immerse yourself in a rich culture, treat yourself to delicious gastronomy and bask in the Mediterranean climate that will leave you wanting more.


The Spanish real estate market had an exceptional year in 2022, breaking records with 720,000 real estate transactions, according to official figures from the notary office. But even if you don’t intend to move yet, fear not! You can capitalize on your investment by renting your property during peak seasons, when the average rental yield is 10% or more.


Spain offers unparalleled ease when it comes to investing. Obtaining a loan can be accomplished in as little as 7 days, which is a testament to the efficiency of the Spanish system. And let’s talk about affordability! Compared to the rest of Europe, Spanish real estate is a bargain, with prices per square meter currently hovering around a surprisingly low level of €1940. Yes, you read that right! And while the square meter may be slightly smaller than other countries like France, the value of your investment is unmatched.

Now we will guide you through the exciting process of becoming a homeowner in Spain:


Step 1: Determine your financial space. How much are you willing to invest? What can you afford?


Step 2: Find the perfect property that suits your desires. With the help of our expert, we will guide you to the right home, ensuring that your investment meets all your expectations.


Step 3: Secure the property of your choice by booking it. For a small fee ranging from 1000 € to 3000 €, you can prohibit any other visit during your cooling-off period. A provisional sales contract (Contracto de Arras) will be signed, cementing your commitment.


Step 4: Open a Spanish bank account and get a NIE number. This prestigious identification allows you to enjoy the same legal rights as Spanish citizens, thus consolidating your status as a valued member of the community.


Step 5: Complete the last step by transferring the keys to the notary after signing the deed of sale. It’s an exciting time as you officially take possession of your new property!


Of course, being a homeowner involves certain expenses. At first, you will encounter costs related to the acquisition process, such as notary fees ranging from 1% to 2% of the property price. In addition, agency fees (paid by the buyer) are usually 2.5% to 5% of the purchase price. Depending on the region, you may also be subject to transfer tax (10% of property value)

Mais ne laissez pas les complexités du processus vous décourager. La solution consiste à confier votre investissement à une agence immobilière réputée comme Ruby Realties. Avec plus d’une décennie d’expérience, la moitié de nos clients viennent de l’étranger et poursuivent leurs investissements en toute confiance, même à distance. Nous excellons dans la gestion de votre propriété, offrant une expertise qui va au-delà de la simple acquisition. Laissez-nous nous occuper des formalités administratives, vous permettant de vous concentrer sur l’excitation de votre investissement. Notre priorité est de réaliser vos rêves.


L’Espagne vous accueille à bras ouverts, une étreinte chaleureuse et une population connue pour son hospitalité et son amour pour les touristes. Faites en sorte que votre investissement compte et laissez-nous vous guider vers le summum du succès et de la vie de luxe!


Votre investissement. Notre expertise. L’Espagne vous attend !



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